The Professional Gamer - October 3, 2014

This marks one of the first weeks in a long time that I feel like I've finished something.  And I've managed to play a fair amount of video games.  Not only that, I watched the balance of a series on Hulu.  Not too bad for one week, eh?

Watching: Thanks to a friend, I started watching the series Going Deep, and caught myself up with the newest episode that is currently available on Hulu.  As I discussed last week, the show is a great take on the science of everyday activities.  And, of course, I'm still watching Gekkan Shojo: Nozaki-kun.

Reading: I finished reading Proof: The Science of Booze this past week.  Look for a full review of the book to come to this space soon.  Now, I've finally decided to take our podcast a bit more seriously, and I am going to start reading up on sound engineering, recording, and podcasting.  Hopefully, with my new knowledge, I will be able to continue improving the audio quality.

Playing: Hyrule Warriors was released last weekend, and I've spent at least an hour playing it with Crystal every night this week.  The game is lots of fun.  I'll hold off on the review for a few more weeks as I get further through the game.  But, this is definitely a game to purchase sooner, rather than later.

That's all I have for this week.  Have a great week and Game On!