Overwatch - New Hero

Overwatch came out just under 2 months ago, and it has admittedly been the game I have spent the most time on this summer. As such you can imagine how excited I am to see the newest hero get announced. Coming soon to Overwatch, Ana! Ana is a sniper that can both head shot the red team and heal their team mates from their sniper nest. 

From what we can see in the video she as a grenade that stops healing effects (sucks to be Road Hog and Soldier: 76), a sleep dart which can interrupt ultimates, and her own ultimate is  a dart that empowers a teammate with greater resistance and increased damage. Awesome. As for where the veteran comes from, well it is none other then the long though dead mom of our dear Pharah. The in-game commentary on this one should prove interesting. More on her background in the video below.

Ana is apparently live on the public test servers. So if you want to give her a go, now is your chance.