The Professional Gamer - April 20, 2018

I was at DINK Denver last weekend and spent a lot of time talking with all sorts of comics and art creators. I recorded a lot of these and will be working to put them out for all of you to listen to soon. I'll also be writing about the panels that I attended. What else have I done. Unfortunately not a whole lot, but let's talk about it anyways.

I've spent both yesterday and today doing a big cleaning project at my house. I find that I feel a lot more settled when I can clear out some of the detritus that I've accumulated over the past year. Mostly, I needed to get rid of several pairs of shoes that I either do not enjoy wearing or are so completely worn out that I can not longer make use of them.

In more geeky news, thanks to Twitter, I found out about a new anime series that is available on Amazon Prime: Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku. The first thing to catch my eye about the series was the fact that the main characters are not high school kids. It has become such a rare thing to see protagonists who are allowed to vote, that I thought I might not ever see such a thing again. Also, the idea of keeping one's geek cred a secret from their co-workers is a truth that I live with everyday. The animation for the series so far is adequate: nothing to rave about, but it gets the job done. Overall, it seems like it could be a fun series. I'm planning to give it the three episode chance and then make a decision whether to pursue it for the full season.

And that's really the only geeky things that I've done this week. I haven't been in the right head space to finish Devilman: Crybaby, but instead have spent most of the week watching The Great British Bake-off, which I have previously recommended. Its a great way to do the introversion de-stress that my brain needs after a convention. I'm a little behind on the Colorado Anime Fest podcasts at this point, should be able to start publishing them this coming week, and then get on to the detailed coverage of DINK. Until then, have a great week, and game on!