The Professional Gamer - June 10, 2019

I’m going to have a very short post this week. I was at Denver Pop Culture Con last weekend, but spent almost all of my time helping Crystal with her table. Then, I shipped off to Hawaii for a week of reviewing our construction plans for some road repairs. During the field work, I didn’t have a lot of time to myself. I did bring my 3DS and spent some of my time on the plane with Final Fantasy Tactics A2. I’m finally stuck in a place where I actually have to advance the main plot. All of the other jobs available to me are either too easy or too hard. I’m opening up a lot more classes to play, and hoping that I can start to find some really cool synergies.

That’s all I have to report for now. Have a look through Chris’s convention photos and let us know which costumes are you favorites. Until next time, have a great week and game on!