The Professional Gamer - August 12, 2019

Hi folks! I had a great vacation and was back ready to work. Then promptly got smashed by all the work waiting for me when I got back to the office on Tuesday. It’s been a long week. And, on top of that I forgot to get the podcast episodes set to autopost to the main feed the way I had intended. So, I’m a week behind posting the podcasts now, even though I went through the effort of editing them. Anyways, you can start listening them now. Now then, what have I been doing? Lots of little things I guess. Let’s start.

During vacation I didn’t really do things that were geeky, more nerdy. I read two books: Spark Joy by Marie Kondo and Daniel’s Running Formula by Jack Daniels (not the whiskey guy). In the wake of enjoying Good Omens so much, I decided to start reading Paradise Lost. I may have bit off more than I can chew. We’ll see if I can get through it now that I don’t have all that vacation free time anymore.

Since I’ve back to the working world, I decided to have a look at some more recent anime releases. New this season is Cop Craft, and urban fantasy buddy cop drama. It feels like a 90’s anime adaptation of the Shadowrun setting, and it’s a lot of fun so far. Well, fun maybe isn’t the right word. But the characters, setting, and plot all mesh together so well right now, and I’m excited to see how this plays out.

Second, after watching some more end of season reviews, I’ve gone back to watch an anime they aired this past winter. But, it’s kinda trash. Quintessential Quintuplets. Like, I have a hard time with admitting to enjoying harem type shows, cause so many of them are just terrible, plotless, thinly veiled hentai adjacent shit. Honestly, I have some concerns about this show just based on the character designs. But, a person with usually ok taste claims that its good, so I’m going to persevere through a few episodes at least, before I finish passing judgement.

And that’s all I’ve got for now. Next weekend I’ll be at Ft. Collins Comic Con and likely won’t have time to post for you all. But, I’ll try to post some updates to the twitter. Anyways, have a great a week and game on!