The Professional Gamer - August 19, 2019

Hey everyone, I'm at Fort Collins Comic Con this weekend, helping Crystal sell some art. I’ve been a bit busy watching the table, talking with attendees, and hanging out with other artists after hours. So, my post this week is going to be a little bit shorter than usual. FCCC has been lots of fun. Pretty relaxed, but getting to see some people who have bought stuff from Crystal before and are purposefully coming to see what new things she has to offer. And, of course, lots of folks who are excited about D&D and who love to swap stories.

First up, you should probably be watching Astra: Lost in Space. I’m two episodes in, and enjoying it a lot so far. With convention preparation and some other commitments, I haven’t had the time to catch up on it yet, but I hope that I’ll be able to do so soon.

Next, I convinced my local library to buy a copy of the Skull-face Bookseller Honda-San manga. Since I requested it, I was the first patron on the hold list, and am reading it now. The advantage that the manga has over the anime, is giving me plenty of time to read and make the connections required so that I can catch more of the jokes. Sometimes, stuff just goes by way to fast in the anime. Plus, there are translator’s notes in the back of the manga to help jog my memory and keep me from referencing Wikipedia constantly.

I think that’s all of the new stuff that I have to talk about. Next weekend is Nan Desu Kan and I’ll likely be busy talking to guests and catching a few panels. I finally got tired of schlepping my laptop around the convention floor, and spent some money to get a decent field recording device. I’m hoping that I can maintain good audio quality for my interviews while making life easier on my back. Anyways, if you’re going to be at NDK, give me a shout in the comments. What are you looking forward to this year? I’m excited to see some fun cosplay and just be around people who are so excited about anime.

I don’t have a post planned for next week, but have a great week and game on!