The Professional Gamer - August 30, 2019

Wow, I’ve had a busy but very fun week here. After all, last weekend was Nan Desu Kan, so I have a huge pile of audio to work through and post to the post feed. Speaking of podcasts, I posted two new episodes already this week. Did you catch them? Other than that, my Tuesday night dinner group has decided to start watching old anime. For each of us, there are several shows that we didn’t watch when they originally aired. In each case, at least one other person in the group would insist that the show was essential. And, I’ve been making some effort to get back into seasonal anime. So, let’s talk about some anime, eh?

I spent some of the time that I had during the evening this week to catch up Cop Craft, this season’s cool, stylish, urban fantasy noir detective show. That may sound hyperspecific, but it’s really the best way to describe the show. I think my only disappointment with the series is the how slow the relationship between the main characters is progressing. I feel that with the traumatic events they have been through, that they would have warmed up to each other a little more than they have so far.

In the old anime club, we started out with Dragon Half, a two episode…OVA I guess. Though, I suppose it seemed like a start for a TV series, that was cancelled early on. Which is dissapointing given how funny the series is. After doing some research, it looks like the manga has been reissued and is available now. I may have to pick it up and see if the humor is as good in the manga as the anime.

The second thing we picked up was Cowboy Bebop, one of my favorites from a long time ago. I’m really surprised that there are people near my age who did not watch this show when it was on Cartoon Network. To be fair, one of these friends had seen one episode four times. That one episode was “Mushroom Samba” which is simultaneously one of the best and weirdest episodes to have as an introduction to the series. Now, we’re starting things up proper, so I hope that we can make some new fans.

Other than that, I’ve been editing audio from NDK and getting things ready to post. I’m going to spend the long weekend catching up with my parents, cleaning up my overflowing closet and draws, and playing some D&D. I hope everyone of you is also getting to enjoy your long weekend. Have a great time and game on!