Assassin's Creed Unity Demo

Do you like Assassin's Creed? Can't wait to get your hands on Unity when it releases on October 28th? Well if that is the case then you may be interested in seeing this 11 minute uncut play through of Assassin's Creed Unity from Gamescom. This video also is narrated by Alex Amanico, Creative Director of the game.  The video is a full single player mission from start to finish so expect to see some of the new gameplay and parkour elements in play  along with an enhanced stealth system. And we cannot forget a better look at the beautiful city of Paris.

Game Over - Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Desmond has seen all that Ezio has to show him. He has seen Ezio join the Assasin's Guild as a result of his father's death in Florence. He has seen Ezio climb to the leader of the Assasins in Rome and reclaim the Apple of Eden. Desmond has experienced so much in such a short amount of time that he mind has literally fractured, and the only way to repair it is to see more of Ezio's life, this time it is about his adventure to discover what is inside Altair's library. Read on for the abridged version of the last story that Ezio Auditore da Firenze has for Desmond. WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND.
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Game Over - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

The life of an Assassin is not an easy life. Templars hound you at every turn. Death is the primary thing you know. But  Ezio Auditore da Firenze has thrived as an Assassin. He has avenged his family and worked towards saving the world from the Templars. He has even aquired the Apple of Eden from beings far more advanced then us. But where does one go now? Well things start badly as he is attacked by the Templars at his home, his uncle killed, and the apple lost. Now it is up to Ezio to get the apple back. How does this adventure end for Ezio, and his current era counter part Desmond? Read on to find out, and my opinions of how they are taking the story. As always I will preface this with a massive SPOILER ALERT.
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