The Gameslave Podcast - Episode 152

I am survived E3 and the following week of catch up at work. We had a large group for this podcast as guests RockiesMagicNumber, AngiChan, and Hummingbird were all present and putting in their two cents. As a result I apologize for the sound issues on this one.

Sparse notes can be found on this page.

Need for Speed Rivals - E3 Demo

Need for Speed Rivals is the newest iteration of the popular EA racing franchise.  I had the opportunity to play the demo while at E3 on the PS4.  The NFSR demo area had three bays, with each bay comprising of three cops and three racers.  For you non math majors out there, including me, there were a total of nine racers and nine police officers.  The nine racers can go about their business competing in various races while the police officers can initiate a police chase at any time.  This is a pretty cool feature implemented into NFSR. 
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Sony @ E3

Of the big 3,  Sony was the one that I had the most time with as I got to attend their press conference. Despite some bugs on stage the show seemed to go off rather well. Now since E3 a few things have changed, so I am going to touch on the exclusive titles that they showed, as well as what still separates the PS4 from their competition.
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