Initial Impressions of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Hello everybody!  At the end of episode 15 of Conversations with IrishPride, I said I would have my initial impressions of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning after I had a chance to play it.  Well, after putting seven hours into the game, I'm ready to give you my very quick impressions of the game.
The reason this is going to be a very short article is because Assimilator will be posting a full fledged review shortly.  But, I said I would provide you all with my initial impressions and I am here to deliver that.
Fun is to be had in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning!!!I was right about KoAR, it is simply a fun game to play.  The story is intruging enough to make the bland questing not feel monotonous.  All the characters are voice acted, except for you, and they do a pretty good job keeping you engaged.  It's no Mass Effect voiced dialogue, but for the sheer content of this game, the voice acting is good.  Where KoAR really shines above other open world RPG's is the combat system.  Combat is fast, fluid and the animations are spot on.  It is super easy to be striking an opponent with your primary weapon, then add your secondary weapon, followed by a lightning spell.  I'm actively looking for something to kill when I'm exploring the lands because the combat is that much fun!
That's all I'm going to say about KoAR since Assimilator will have a kick ass review shortly.  But, if you're impatient and don't want to wait for the review and you are wondering if this game is any fun, I will say emphatically, YES!  It is a lot of fun and I cannot wait to get back into the game.  My rogue character is itching to kill some more bandits.  Stay tuned for Assimilator's review!