Hearthstone on Android? There goes my Productivity...

Blizzard has finally done it. They have placed the final nail in the coffin of my productivity. They have released Hearthstone for Android. So now I can play the game from any where that I have internet. Who knows, next thing I might actually win a game. Head on over to the Google Play Store and say goodbye to getting things done.

Hearthstone Expansion: Goblins vs Gnomes

Hearthstone Expansion: Goblins vs Gnomes

Do you like card games? Do you like World of Warcraft? Then chances are you have played Hearthstone. Then there is great news for you! Blizzard announced at Blizzcon today they first actual expansion to the popular virtual card game, Goblins vs Gnomes. Looks like we will get all sorts of mechanical contraptions to add to our decks. There are cards such as the the Unstable Portal, Dr. Boom, and Explosive Sheep.

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