This Week(ends) Geek - Your Legacy

This week BioWare updated Star Wars: The Old Republic with the first parts of their legacy system. A quick review of this system for those not familiar with it is the legacy system allows work on one toon to carry over to your other toons. One example of this is a bounty hunter's buff would be added to a sith inquisitor's buff. But this got me wondering, what is my gaming legacy?
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Steve Jobs - You Will Be Missed

I do not use a Macintosh computer. I do not have an iPhone or iPad. But that does not mean that I do not appreciate what Apple did to the technology world under Steve Jobs. While an avid Windows user I normally refuse to admit that Apple has done much for me, but they did force innovation. Steve Jobs was the motivation behind this innovation. So RIP Steve, you have left a legacy that has made you immortal.

Apple - Remembering Steve Jobs