This Weeks Geek - Console Wars: A New Battlefield

A new generation appears to be upon us. Nintendo is out of the gate early with a much need upgrade to its console library. Not to be outdone Microsoft and Sony are hot on their heels. Microsoft is being more closed lip about almost everything they are doing, while Sony has recently started teasing that they are going to announce something new and interesting. But what if the next generation is not all about local based consoles? What if this is all about something else? Something far more ethereal?

The console market is changing.
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This Weeks Geek - Streaming the Future

Netflix started it, they got people used to streaming their entertainment to their homes. Then OnLive and Gaikai started streaming video games to our homes. They require a decent-ish network connection (5 MBps for OnLive), but they allow you to play full games on lower ends devices (like a netbook). OnLive has it's own client that is used on Windows, OS X, Android, and iOS in order to run any game that they provide while Genkai currently runs within a browser. Right now the content that they provide comes from other developers. Now what sort of future does streaming have in video games?
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