In Review - Poorcraft: Wish You Were Here

The sequel (of sorts) to the original Poorcraft graphic novel, Poorcraft: Wish You Were Here covers how to have a vacation when you don't want to spend a lot of money. The content of the story is again presented by Penny (with help from Nickle) to her friend Mil.  This time, Penny and Mil have planned a vacation together.  But trouble is brewing from the start when Mil struggles to carry in her bags.  From this point on, Penny presents Mil with plentiful advice about vacation and travel on a budget, while still having loads of fun.


Diana Nock returns to illustrate this sequel, and the art is similarly humorous in the comedic sections and more clear cut in the informative sections.


Similar to the original, Poorcraft: Wish You Were Here has a simple plot that serves the purpose of introducing the key learning concepts.  In this case, Ryan Estrade presents guidance for everything from packing and transport, to how to find safe, comfortable, and affordable accommodation, to how to have all sorts of fun while you are away from home without getting suckered by exploitative tour organizers.  Estrada does a good job in continuing the conversational style set by the original Poorcraft.  


Poorcraft: Wish You Were Here lives up well to the precedent set by the original.  If you ever travel anywhere, and I know that most of us do, you should definitely pick up this book, once it is available to the wider public (I backed the Kickstarter, and so have earlier access to it).  Keep an eye out at Iron Circus Studios for Wish You Were Here to go on sale.  

In Review - Poorcraft

In Review - Poorcraft

Poorcraft is the comic about living well on the cheap.  It discusses a variety of topics, including housing, food, fashion, health, transport, entertainment, and education.  Poorcraft also includes sections discussing what to do when things go wrong.  The book presents all of this advice through the friendly and knowledgeable Penny and her struggling neighbor Mil.   Penny helps Mil to cut our her unnecessary expenses so that she can enjoy her life more while living within her means.  As the story progresses, Mil learns the skills that she needs to pay down her debt, save for the future, and live well.  All at the same time

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