Pokémon GO Announced

Pokémon GO Announced

There is a dream that many people have. A dream to traverse the tall grass to capture wild Pokémon. And now they have announced Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android. An augmented reality game that  is made by the same ground that brought us Ingress. In the game you can find and capture wild Pokémon, you can battle other trainers, and even take place in group events such as battling wild Mew-Two. They are even going to have a wrist based item that will vibrate when you are near wild Pokémon and to simulate throwing the Pokéball. Check out the trailer to the pure awesome.

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Conversations with IrishPride Episode 5

Monkeys, Pigs and iPhones...oh my!
Hello everybody and welcome to episode 5 of Conversations with IrishPride!  Today I'm going to to talk to you about one of the best videos I've come across in a while, Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig).

First off, the name of the video itself is epic.  Secondly, anything that deals with monkeys is pretty damn awesome.  Third, the song that accompanies the video ties it all together.  When I first saw this video, it was muted and I smiled.  The second time I watched it with sound and I grinned even wider. 
After watching this video, your life will be complete.  I mean come on, it's a baby monkey going Best iPhone game evah?backwards on a pig.  Epic!  If you have already seen this video, I apologize for being late to the party.  But, even if you have seen this video, I do have news about it.  There is now an iPhone game that is based on this video called, you guessed it, Baby Monkey (Going Backwards On A Pig).  Do yourself a favor and pick up BM(GBOAP) for just $0.99, you're life will thank you. 
That will do it for episode 5 of Conversations with IrishPride.  Until next time, good luck getting this song out of your head!

This Game is a Wish Come True

PopCap has created many games that thousands of people play on a daily basis.  They have created Bejewled, Peggle, Plant vs Zombies, and now they can add making wishes come true to the resume.  OK, more accurately 4th & Battery, the experimental PopCap label, made the wish come true, but same overall company.  A young boy by the name of Owain Weinert with leukemia had wanted to be a game developer. So the Make-A-Wish Foundation worked with PopCap to make this come true.  The game they created is Allied Star Police, a side scrolling strategy game with tower defense aspects.  Would you like to play this game?  Well good news if you have and iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch as it is available on the App Store right now, for free even!  Thank you LadyRecluce for bringing this to my attention and check out the full press release after the break.
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World of Goo - Continuing to consume free time

So you remember World of Goo right? The addictive tower building game that came out waaaayyy back in October 2008. It was one of the most pirated games of its day and did not get near the amount of money per unit that it should have, due to a pay what you think it is worth pricing model (cheap bastards that spent a $0.01). Still not ringing any bells? Ok it was about a bunch of goo balls (didn't figure that one out huh?) that you used to build a tower to a pipe to collect said goo. Well it is coming to iOS for an astounding $2.99.  So now you can build your goo based towers anywhere! But it gets better, if you are attentive and manage to purchase it on release day you will save $2.00 as it will be $0.99. The catch on this is, sadly, I don't know the relase date yet. So keep an eye out and save that $2.00.

Now don't go and get bent out of shape iPad owners that have World of Goo HD. Your copy is being made universal so if you have already purchased it for your iPad then you already have it for your iPhone/iPod. You just have to wait for it to come out.

Angry Bird IRL with IKEA

Have you every wanted to destroy IKEA furniture while having the simbalance of playing a video game? Well you are not alone in this as it is exactly what Conan did on 03/03/2011.  And while he might have cheated by using the same bird twice, it is still looked like a a lot of fun.

Want to know where you can play Angry Birds? Grap your iPhone / Android and download it from their marketplaces.

Verizon has the iPhone - What a Shocker


So despite not really caring, I feel compelled to announce something you all probably already know by this time.  Verizon has the iPhone 4 as of February 10, 2011.  This is possibly the worst kept secret since the PSPGo a few years ago.

For over a year it has be speculated Verizon would get the iPhone at the start of this year.  Then when they did not say anything at CES last week and scheduled a "mysterious" press conference the week after, it was kinda obvious to everyone.  But now the cat is out of the bag you (that is kind of an odd phrase really) and you can all check it out at Verizon's iPhone Page.  Just a heads up, no it does not use the 4G LTE network that Verizon has spent so much time building and hyping the past few months.

Now for the real question, where the hell is my 4G LTE Andriod phone?  Thunderbolt and Droid Bionic, I am looking your way.